The Best Way To Wear Your Hair Under A Wig

The way you wear your hair under a wig can affect how comfortable and natural-looking the wig appears. Here are some tips for the best way to wear your hair under a wig:

  1. Braid your hair: Braiding your hair can help keep it flat and prevent it from bunching up under the wig. Make sure to use small braids that lie close to the scalp.

  2. Use a wig cap: A wig cap can help keep your hair in place and protect your scalp from any potential irritation caused by the wig. Choose a cap that matches your skin tone for a natural look.

  3. Pin your hair: If your hair is too short to braid, you can pin it up with bobby pins. Divide your hair into sections and pin it flat to your head. Make sure there are no bumps or lumps that could show through the wig.

  4. Use a hair net: A hair net can help keep your hair in place and prevent it from shifting under the wig. Make sure the net is not too tight, as this can cause discomfort.

  5. Cut your hair short: If you plan on wearing wigs regularly, you may want to consider cutting your hair short to make it easier to manage. A shorter haircut can also help prevent any potential damage caused by wearing wigs for extended periods of time.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your wig looks natural and feels comfortable to wear. Experiment with different methods to find the one that works best for you.

Some Important Tips To Hide Hair Under a Wig

Hiding your hair under a wig can be challenging, but here are some tips that can help you achieve a seamless look:

  1. Choose the right wig cap: Invest in a good quality wig cap that is made of a breathable and stretchy material that matches your skin tone. This will help to keep your hair in place and prevent it from shifting under the wig.

  2. Tie your hair back: Before putting on the wig cap, tie your hair back in a low bun or ponytail. This will help to keep your hair flat and prevent any bumps or lumps from showing through the wig.

  3. Use bobby pins: Once your hair is tied back, use bobby pins to secure any loose hairs or flyaways to your head. Make sure that the bobby pins are not visible under the wig.

  4. Apply a wig grip: A wig grip is a band that is worn underneath the wig cap to prevent the wig from slipping. This can be particularly helpful if you have fine or slippery hair.

  5. Consider a wig with a lace front: A wig with a lace front can create a more natural-looking hairline and help to hide your own hair. The lace front can be glued or taped down to your skin to create a seamless transition between the wig and your own hairline.

  6. Use a scarf or headband: If you have shorter hair that is difficult to tie back, consider using a scarf or headband to hold your hair in place. This can help to keep your hair flat and prevent it from showing through the wig.

Remember to always be gentle when handling your hair and wig to avoid causing any damage or breakage. With these tips, you can achieve a natural and comfortable look while wearing a wig.